March 2019 ~ The Scottish Book Trust Outstanding Achievement Award.

“Exposure to stories, essays and poetry from where we live, using our language, contemplating our culture, with themes and characters which resonate with our lives, is enormously self-affirming. Nowhere else provides this service at that level.”
Theresa Breslin 2018
Honoured that my statement re School Libraries is quoted in this document: Vibrant Libraries, Thriving Schools – A National Strategy for School Libraries in Scotland 2018 -2023 which sets out a vision where every child and young person in Scotland has access to a dynamic school library service…
Busy with Schools this year, but also some other exciting events coming up!
May ~ RECTORY LANE CEMETERY ~ Berkhamsted. Is this the most unusual venue for a Festival ever???? I can hardly believe that I am going to talk about Whispers in the Graveyard in an actual Graveyard!! And also help launch the Cemetery
Stories Writing Competition.
July ~ hosting some University students from USA to show off highlights of Scotland’s Children’s Literature scene ~ with amazing illustrator Kate Leiper joining me to talk about our new book.
September ~ NAIRN Festival ~ “Glamis thou art, and Cawdor…” So excited to be going to Macbeth country. Looking fwd to meeting lots of young people (and hoping to tick off Cawdor Castle on my Scottish Castles Visit List.)
October ~ back in lovely East Ayrshire for the IMPRINT Book Festival ~ always sure of a warm welcome, and scones with jam!
November ~ MALLAIG ~ I’ve been promised ‘A Write Highland Hoolie!’ Book Festival with music and dancing and singing.
September ~ ISLE OF ARRAN
Author Visits: Talks and Workshops ~ Children love to have signed copies of books and I like to support local booksellers and co-operate with them in selling books while doing talks and workshop during author visits at my Author Events.
If you have difficulty finding titles, please contact: